Our Beginning

Sunrise began in late 2015 with a simple question: why has humanity failed to reduce mental health suffering in all of its forms? Our work has expanded to address the critical questions facing the science of brain health today: Why hasn’t a new antidepressant been invented since the 1990’s? Why is depression the #1 cause of ill health worldwide? Why do 50% of patients see no improvement from current treatments? Can depression be prevented? Can it be cured?


“the idea itself is completely novel in psychiatry, to use drugs to prevent depression as opposed to just treat it.”

— Rebecca brachman, PhD, Co-FOUNDER and chief science officer on the ted stage


Our impact

We focus on making small philanthropic investments with the goal of impact at billions scale.

Our projects in science seek to create new breakthroughs which fundamentally change humanity’s understanding of brain health. Our work with Johns Hopkin’s has created a breakthrough in understanding a new form of treatment for Major Depression Disorder.

Our projects in technology seek to translate breakthroughs in science into products which can impact lives today. Our work with Apple and the UCLA Depression Grand Challenge brings together science and technology in a major new 3 year study that seeks to invent the first objective diagnostic for depression. Combining UCLA’s breakthrough genomic science with Apple’s technology measuring sleep, physical activity, heart rate, and daily routines the study seeks find new connections between symptoms, data, and everyday experience. Starting with 150 participants, expanding to 3000 over the course of the next 3 years, the technology may one day make it to the more than 1 billion iPhones and beyond.

Our projects in awareness seek to communicate science to bring hope to the billions worldwide who suffer or are helping those who suffer. Our work with Emmy award wining Director Brett Rapkin Director, Olympians Michael Phelps & Jeremy Bloom, and HBO on The Weight of Gold, which has now reached over 1.5 billion media impressions.

We seek to change minds. You are #notalone.


Our Mission

Through collaborations with individuals and institutions across the sciences of biology, psychology, psychiatry, pharmacology, sociology, spirituality, technology, capital, and design we seek to revolutionize how humans experience depression in all of its forms. Our vision is a world free from unnecessary suffering. Our mission is to turn science into better mental health.



cause of ill health worldwide


do not respond to current therapies


years since last new antidepressant


The problem is staggering no matter how you look at it, and is not getting better. Our parents, our children, and our friends are suffering at increasing rates. Over 1 million people die every year from depression. One person every 30 seconds. Depression grew 18% from 2005 to 2015 alone. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men suffer. By 2030, depression will be the single largest contributor to the global burden of disease. Perhaps most concerning of all, only 3% of government health budgets are invested in depression and related mental health problems.


Get Involved

If you or a loved one suffers from depression or other forms of reduced brain health we are here to tell you that you are not alone. This problem is so big that we can only reduce the suffering by working together. If you are inspired to help this movement, join us.

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